I hold a Master's degree in Culture Studies/Cultural Anthropology; my course of studies at the University of Mainz also included Musicology and Theology. Throughout my studies I very much focused on the field of Medical Anthropology, especially on questions of pregnancy and childbirth, but also on concepts of sex and gender in medical contexts. During the last two semesters I worked as a research assistant at the DFG-funded project „Muße Konzepte, Räume, Figuren“ at the University of Freiburg. The GRK finally offers the opportunity of resuming my research on medical subjects and the cultural dimension of childbirth.
a unique opportunity I have dreamed of ever since I did the field-work for my master-thesis at a birth-clinic. Back then I thought I had to give in to the fact that life sciences and the humanities are two spheres strictly separated and that hardly any cooperation was possible or even wanted. Now I can see that quite the opposite is true: the GRK shows that there is a mutual interest in multidisciplinary interaction and it supports its members in opening up new ways of research.
to help making the separation of life sciences and life writing history, and to promote the idea of a new way of research without any rivalry and mistrust. Hopefully this will create a new awareness for and in the relationship of medical professionals and laypeople, and help to improve communication on medical subjects.
Wehen im Web: Der Umgang mit der Grenzsituation Geburt angesichts der Durchmischung biomedizinischen Wissens und individueller Erfahrung in Internet-Foren Chatroom Contractions: Dealing with the borderline situation of childbirth given the mixing of biomedical knowledge and individual experience on internet forums.