I studied psychology (Diplom) in Vienna and Mainz with focus on clinical and intercultural psychology. During my studies I spent a semester in Portsmouth, UK and Padua, Italy. Due to my passion for research, I had worked as a student assistant in the department of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment, University of Mainz and in the department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy of the University Medical Center Mainz. Further, I gained experience in scientific research during an internship at Cambridge University, UK. After my graduation, I worked as a research assistant in the department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy. In addition, I am currently in training in psychodynamic psychotherapy at the University Medical Center.
…offers a unique opportunity to approach boundary experiences of human life and socially relevant topics from different perspectives. The work with scholars from various disciplines in the GRK enriches my theoretical and methodological skills needed to promote further interdisciplinary dialogues in research.
MY GOAL IS... combine both aspects of life sciences and life writing in investigating the complexity of migration processes in my dissertation project. Further, my goal is to link my research interests and clinical practice contributing to the advancement of cross-cultural psychotherapy.
…explores mental health of migrants in Germany by developing a profound understanding of psychosocial risks and protective factors.