Prof. Dr. Dagmar von Hoff

I studied German Language and Literature, Political Science, Psychology and Education at the University of Hamburg where I completed the First and Second State Examination for teaching at secondary schools with distinction. In 1988, I obtained my doctoral degree in German Literature for a study on ‘Dramen des Weiblichen. Deutsche Dramatikerinnen um 1800’ at the University of Hamburg. My Postdoctoral thesis ‘Familiengeheimnisse. Rückkehr der Inzestthematik in Literatur und Film der Gegenwart’ concentrates on incest in modern literature. From 2002 to 2005 I was Professor of German Literature in the Context of Media at the Institute of German Language and Literature and its Didactics at Leibniz University, Hannover. Since 2005 I am Full Professor of German Literature and Chair of German Media Studies at the German Department of Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz.

is a great chance to cooperate with colleagues of different disciplines. As the only Professor of German Literature, I am glad to support the GRK by overseeing the PhD-thesis of Julia Reichenpfader, which concentrates on two German speaking female authors and their works, Elfriede Jelinek and Charlotte Roche, by analysing the aspect of the opened female body. Within this study, the connection between literature and life science is exciting and will gain promising results.

I am looking forward to overseeing an innovative doctoral thesis and seeing doctoral students from many different disciplines. For me, the different perspectives on the intersection between life sciences and life writing will be very interesting. I am also looking forward to participate in the discussions at the future meetings of the GRK.

I am currently working on different studies on Gender and the subject of violence, where a dialogue between life sciences and life writing is also important. Moreover, interdisciplinary studies are important for my research, since my Chair is in German Media Studies where different artistic artefacts, such as film, literature, performance art, etc., are analysed.

CONTACT: German Department