Prof. Dr. Eva Mildenberger

BACKGROUND: Mildenberger
As a neonatologist I care for premature infants and for term infants whose perinatal course is complicated by minor or major diseases. During my work I often face situations in which life and death approach closely. Be it whilst treating premature infants at the border of viability or be it whilst caring for newborns with major malformations. I was trained in social sciences and later in pediatrics and neonatology in Berlin, Germany. Since 2008 I chair the department of neonatology of the Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Center, Mainz as a professor of neonatology. I am an associated scientist of the graduate program "Life Sciences - Life Writing".

an intriguing opportunity to learn about different perspectives on life from experts of other disciplines, especially from those who are used to finding words to describe these perspectives.

CONTACT: Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin